Nagu Saabsan

Waa Ayo CodBixiye?

CodBixiye waa madal kuu ogolaanaysa inaad qoraalkaaga u bedesho cod, iyadoo adeegsanaysa garaadka samayska ah.

Create an AI platform for your business where you and your customers can generate human-like voices from over 300+ Voices and 80+ languages. CodBixiye solves the problem of managing your text to speech synthesis from multiple providers like Microsoft Cognitive Services. It provides the platform where you can synthesize the text of any language from all the given providers without needing to worry about the hectic integration process. You just focus on your business model and it will take care of all the other technical aspects of the system.

Maxaad Ku Dooranaysaa "CodBixiye"?

  • Inay kuu ogolaanayso helitaanka codad saafi ah oo tayaysan.
  • Inaad yeelanayso xuquuda mulkiyadda codka.
  • Inaad codadka u adeegsan karto goob kasta iyo aalad kasta.
  • Inaad daqiiqado gudahood ku heli karto misan aad soo dagsan karto codka.
  • Inaad kaantaroolidda xawaaraha codka, mugga codka, aamusnaanta u dhaxaysa weedhaha.
  • Inaad ilaa in muddo ah codadkaaga ku dhex kaydsan karto madasheenan.

Tusaalooyinka Ugu Caansan Ee Aad U Adeegsan Karto Codadkeena

  • Muuqaalada
  • Podcat-yada
  • Sheekooyinka
  • Xayaysiimaha
  • Tacliinta
  • Madadaalada
  • Odhaahyada
  • Riwaayadaha
  • Maqaallada
  • Qormooyinka
  • Iyo qaar kaloo badan

Maxaad Sugaysaa? Xubin Ka Noqo "CodBixiye"